Ill Bell - Route One


Start - Kentmere NY 456 041 Distance - 4 miles Ascent - 2,330 feet Time - 3 hours



St. Cuthbert's Church in Kentmere is the starting point for this walk
Car parking in Kentmere is very limited, there is space for about ten cars next to the Kentmere Institute.  Occasionally there is additional parking available in a paddock beside Low Bridge below the church.  Begin the walk by either following Hollin lane past the Institute towards The Nook or by Rook Howe lane which starts to the east of the church 
Looking to Cowsty Knotts from Hollin Lane
Hollin Lane is only followed for about 350 yards before turning off it onto a lane which leads to Hartrigg Farm
Raven Crag from the lane to Hartrigg Farm
The path from Rook Howe joins the lane as it begins to skirt around Calfhowe Crag.  Shipman Knotts and Wray Crag are visible across the valley
Harter Fell and Kentmere Pike from the lane to Hartrigg Farm
Approaching Scales farmhouse with its attached bank barn
Approaching Hartrigg Farm
The north-east ridge of Ill Bell comes into view on the approach to Hartrigg Farm
Hartrigg farmhouse
Beyond Hartrigg the lane becomes a gated track which leads to the Kentmere Reservoir
Rainsborrow Crag
As the track begins to descend the view opens out to the head of the valley
Mardale Ill Bell and Nan Bield Pass as the track approaches Reservoir Cottage
Looking back along the track from near Reservoir Cottage
Reservoir Cottage, nestling below the spoil heaps of Steel Rigg Quarry, was built to house the caretaker of the dam. The cottage, and the nearby building, The Barracks, once used as lodgings for itinerant quarrymen, are now used as a Field Study and Outdoor Pursuits Centre 
Looking up to Rainsborrow Cove above The Barracks.  On the left are the Cauldron and Lambfold Quarries on the lower face of Rainsborrow Crag.  Much of the output from Lambfold Quarry was used for the construction of the reservoir dam
Approaching the Kentmere Reservoir dam
Mardale Ill Bell and Nan Bield Pass from the Kentmere Reservoir dam.  The path continues alongside the western side of the reservoir
The north-east ridge of Ill Bell from the Kentmere Reservoir dam
Mardale Ill Bell and Nan Bield pass
Looking back towards Kentmere Pike
The path passes below the rough southern flank of Leads Howe
Approaching the head of the reservoir
Looking back from the head of the reservoir
Once past the reservoir the path begins to fade and all but disappears as it continues towards the unfrequented head of the valley
Time to leave the path to begin the ascent of the north-east ridge by making a rising traverse to reach the ridgeline of Leads Howe
Froswick from the start of the climb to Leads Howe
Looking back from the lower slopes of Leads Howe
Over Cove and the col between Ill Bell and Froswick
Harter Fell from the lower slopes of Leads Howe
Looking across to Rainsborrow Crag
On reaching the top of Leads Howe the middle and upper parts of the north-east ridge come into view
Kentmere Reservoir from Leads Howe
Nan Bield Pass from the top of Leads Howe
Looking across to the summit of Froswick from Leads Howe
Approaching the steep upper part of the ridge
Harter Fell and Kentmere Pike from the upper part of the north-east ridge
Looking back to the top of Leads Howe
Rainsborrow Crag across the steep slope of the north east ridge
Caudale Moor appears over the col between Ill Bell and Froswick
The final slope leading up to the summit
Kentmere fom near the top of the north-east ridge
The summit of Ill Bell comes into view
Froswick and Thornthwaite Crag from the top of the north-east ridge
Harter Fell and Kentmere Pike from the top of the north-east ridge
The southern cairn on the summit of Ill Bell
The northern and southern cairns on the summit of Ill Bell.  It's difficult to tell which one occupies the higher ground
Froswick, Thornthwaite Crag, High Street and Mardale Ill Bell circle the head of Kentmere
Nan Bield Pass and Harter Fell
Harter Fell and Kenttmere Pike from the summit of Ill Bell
The connecting ridge to Yoke
Windermere from the summit of Ill Bell
Caudale Moor from the summit of Ill Bell
The connecting ridge to Froswick and Thornthwaite Crag


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